Voorwoord uittreksel deur C.L. Hanon:
"The study of the piano is now so wide-spread and good pianists are so numerous, that mediocrity on this instrument is no longer acceptable. Consequently, one must study the piano for at least eight to ten years before performing a piece of any difficulty, even at a gathering of amateurs. Few are in a position to devote so many years to this study.
It often happens, that for lack of sufficient practise, the play is uneven or incorrect.
The left hand gives out in passages of slight difficulty; the 4th and 5th fingers are almost useless for lack of special exercises; and when passages in octaves, in tremolo or trills occur, they are usually executed with such great exertion and strain, the performance is flawed and expressionless."

Nou ja, 'one year down, nine to go'.
Genoeg vir nou oor die klavier, maar onthou om te skryf oor a)die geskiedenis van my persoonlike klavier, b) hoe ek op die ouderdom van 32 die instrument aangepak het, en c) my ervaring die eerste jaar op klavier, my vordering, en my eerste UNISA musiek-eksamens.

Maar nou mag ek nie meer verder vertel nie! (as julle nie uit min-of-meer my generasie en agtergrond kom nie, en nie tv gekyk het toe julle klein was nie, sal julle nie verstaan wat ek bedoel met 'maar nou mag ek nie meer verder vertel nie'. Ek gee nie rerig om nie, want ek verstaan wel. So wê!)

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